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Be Your Own Valentine - Valentine's Sale 2022

January 26, 2022

Dearest Dare Fashionistas,

Valentines Day is coming up - we like to take this time of year to remind ourselves that the most important person to love is ourselves. Whether you're single, in a new relationship, in an old relationship, in several relationships, kids, no kids, elderly parents, Boomer, Gen X, Millenial... whatever! It's been a tough couple of years and we could all use a reminder every now and again to stop and appreciate ourselves.

Try this self-love exercise (great for reducing stress): it's called High-Fiving your Heart*:

1. Gently close your eyes and put one or both hands over your heart.
2. Take a deep breath, extending your exhale (out breath) as long as you can.
3. Say (out loud if you can), "I'm Ok, I am safe, I am loved."

Repeat steps 2 & 3 until you feel a sense of calm and peace wash over you.

Another great way to love yourself is to put on an outfit that makes you look your best. Because when you feel confident, your inner glow shines outward. You radiate positivity and that gets reflected back to you making your whole world brighter and happier. All Dare Fashion is specifically designed to flatter your figure: slimming your silhouette while celebrating your curves. Imagine projecting your favorite version of you to the will!

And to celebrate YOU in 2022, we've created a Valentine coupon ILOVEME22 that takes an additional 22% off all our styles in red & pink. Need some suggestions? Here are a few of our favorites: 








Click to see them all!




Have a sweetie but don't trust him/her/them to pick for you? Ask your sweetie to get you a Dare Fashion Gift Card!




They're available in denominations of $25, $50, $75, $100 & $500, there are no processing or redemption fees, and the cards never expire!




Life IS like a box of chocolates, but in this case, you know EXACTLY what you're gonna get: fabulous Victorian, Gothic, Renaissance, Bohemian and Steampunk-inspired fashion that gives you confidence and gets you compliments! Plus our famous Dare concierge customer service - if anything comes up, we're here to help!


Go ahead! Tell your sweetie to buy you the $500 card! You're worth it!




:) Happiness... Guaranteed.
Angel Top in Plum

-The Dare Team

*High-Fiving your Heart exercise adapted from Mel Robbins' highly recommended book "The High Five Habit." Check it out if you want a master class in learning to love yourself.

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Size Guide
Relax. Don't worry. If you don’t like the way it fits, you can return it… no questions asked.  It’s important to us that you LOVE the way Dare Fashion makes you feel about yourself!

Among the images for each product listing is a style-specific size chart. For our tops and dresses, you can get your Dare size with ONLY ONE measurement!

Dare Fashion One Measurement Size Diagram

Please use the size charts as a guideline. Our fashion is made to these specifications, but due to variations in the stretchiness of the fabric and how it is sewn, there may be some slight deviations from this chart. But please rest assured, all of our styles are designed to fit a range of body types, with features such as stretch fabrics, corset lace-ups,  and spaghetti ties in the back to customize the fit.

And did we mention... if it doesn’t fit, you can return it, no questions asked! So buy with confidence. And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us - we're here to help!

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